A downloadable tabletop wargame

HUNT28 is a game about bands of hunters that compete to see who gets the most prosperous hunt. This is my entry to the One Page Game Jam 2024  hosted by @the_hobby_dungeon with visuals by @bigboygametime.

HUNT28 is played with any 28 mm miniatures you have on hand and it is a game for 2 players.

You will need:

- Two bands of hunters (4 hunters per band).

-2d6 small beast miniatures.

-1 big beast miniature.

-A 2' x 2' or 3' x 3' surface to play.

-Probably some tokens to represent concealed beasts and traps (optional).

-And as much or little terrain as you want.


HUNT28_by_Fevery_Beastcraft_v.1.4.4.pdf 32 MB

Install instructions

Follow me on Instagram as @fevery_beastcraft

Send me feedback to my e-mail: feverybeastcraft@gmail.com

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